Stop violence and harassment at work – Ratify the international convention!

Sign up and help us to deliver a strong call to the President of the European Council Charles Michel to green light and push all EU Member states to ratify ILO Convention 190.

In the EU, at least six out of ten women have experienced sexist treatment or sexual violence at work, and nine percent of European women have been pressured at least once for an act of sexual nature in exchange for a job or a promotion. 77 % of female trade union leaders believe that employers do not do enough to tackle violence and harassment at work.

ILO Convention 190 sets out rules needed to prevent, combat and remedy violence and harassment in the world of work.

Why is this an issue?

It has been one year that the Convention came into force but only three EU Member states - Greece, Italy and Spain - have ratified it. Other Member states are ready to ratify but are asking for the EU Council to give the green light. We demand that Charles Michel, European Council President, gives the green light now.

Every worker, no matter who they are or what they do, deserves a workplace free from violence and harassment. By adding your voice you will help us to deliver a strong call to the President of the European Council Charles Michel to stop the inaction and push all EU Member states to ratify ILO Convention 190.

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